

Mess with me and my Aunt Simi will BBQ you!


The daughter of Kyrian and Amanda Hunter, Marissa is also Acheron’s goddaughter and very dear to this heart. She holds a lot of power and some wonder what will become of her once she grows into her full powers…

I laugh whenever Daddy grumbles that he had to give up his Lamborghini for a Minivan and that he left his manhood at home. I keep trying to find it for him, but have no idea where he left it. What does manhood look like anyway?

I love playing with my baby brother, NJ, and Aunt Simi even when she puts hornays on my head.

Daddy says Aunt Tabby may look like Mommy, but she acts like a loon. I think that’s some kind of bird, but not sure.

I love when Uncle Ash picks me up from school on his motorcycle, especially when he takes me for ice cream afterward.

I like playing tarot card rummy with Aunt Selena.

I love staying with Grandma and Grandpa because they let me stay up late and they tell me stories about how I’m just like my mommy. And that I’m their revenge on her.

I like going to work with Aunt Tory. She lets me sit at the desks with the big kids and tells me great stories about what life was like when my daddy was little. Which really was the Stone Age, or was it the Bronze Age? I just know that it wasn’t the time of dinosaurs ’cause Uncle Talon says that’s when Uncle Ash was little.