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Me in the news!

A huge thank you to my awesome PR team, Ellie and John for all their hard work! While I was in Boston and Salem, they lined up at lot of fun interviews for me and also a few here at home in Nashville! For those who are interested, make sure to check them out! My fave has to be that I finally made it to Salem, MA without anything “odd” happening and that I got to research and scout out things for my next Silent Swans novel that will be set in that area. Can’t wait to unleash more details about Swans of a Feather. In the meantime:

Boston Globe:
Paranormal Author Sherrilyn Kenyon Finally Makes It To Salem


The Tennessean!
Author Grew Up Amid Poverty by Brad Schmit and you can read more about my past under the RWA speech I gave 6/30/11


The Take with Sue O’Connell