How is the Chronicles of Nick related to the Dark-Hunter books?

The CON is a prequel to the DH novels, and it chronicles the life of Nick who is still Kyrian’s Squire in the first book of the DH series (he’s 24 in that novel). CON is a young adult or tween series and is written for ages 10 and up. The DH books have much more adult content in them.

I’d planned to write the CON from the very beginning, but it wasn’t until I was far enough along in the DH series that I could start them. They were also written for the adult fans who begged for a version of the DH books that their children could read with them. And I’d promised my sons who are in elementary and middle school that I would write a series they could read and give them a hero they could relate to. I wanted to write books that both boys and girls would enjoy, and not have it geared more to one gender than the other. The books are packed with humor and are a coming of age story.

Each volume chronicles roughly one year of Nick’s life, except for Infinity and Invincible which take place back to back. There should be 14 books total in the series, with an additional book at the end to tell about Nick as a Dark-Hunter.