New York Signing

Sherri will be signing for free (there is no fee for those who wish to attend the signing) and the proceeds for all the books sold at the event will go to promoting literacy. Usually her publishers donate a recent paperback and only a few titles will be available for purchase. Feel free to bring in any title from any of her series from home. .

Jun 28 , 2011; 5:30
New York, NY,
New York Signing
Venue: Booksigning
Location: New York Marriott Marquis
More info: –New York Marriott Marquis
1535 Broadway
New York, NY 10036 

Sherri will be signing for free (there is no fee for those who wish to attend the signing) and the proceeds for all the books sold at the event will go to promoting literacy. Usually her publishers donate a recent paperback and only a few titles will be available for purchase. Feel free to bring in any title from any of her series from home. .