Too Much Times On My Hand

Okay so we all know that’s really not true. This summer has been incredibly busy with Daimon attacks, Simi shopping sprees (I could kill Alexion for showing her my black Amex) and demon outbreaks. Since the black card matches her wardrobe, Simi snagged my card and I haven’t seen it since. Had to actually call them up to get a new one for me. Oh the indignities of that.

So while balancing all that, I get a call from Jaden who has a new cell phone. One he apparently destroyed shortly thereafter because he hates technology. Anyway for someone who hates all things technical he has a morbid fascination with video games. I’ve stopped trying to figure it out. I just go with it.

Well Takeshi turned him on to <a href=”;sourceid=eaom33″ _moz_dirty=””>;sourceid=eaom33</a> Yes, the Creature Creator.

Imagine my surprise when I got the following call.

“Hey man, you can play a god. Create your own race.”

I laughed at that one, especially since my daily goal is to forget I am one. Of course the good thing with this one my creations can’t turn on me. I was actually enjoying it until Xirena taught Simi how to make a perfect Charonte male demon for them to lust over.

I’m now looking into convents that will take demons as oblates. There has to be one. Jaden returned my laughter when I asked him about such a place. I at least now have proof that both Jaden and I are out of our minds.

But that’s okay. I plan to be in San Diego in a few weeks to scope out Comic Con and see what’s up.
