Simi say…

Akri didn’t raise no fools. And the Simi say she going to not get in between two of you quality people when they be arguing about baby-akri’s clothing. Cause Simi say he’d be yummy either with clothes or without them. But then see, if the Simi were to eat the baby-akri, both you miss him. So the Simi is going to sit here and play with baby-akri on the floor and show him how to blow fire out of his nose until you two decide that we can eat all them yummy eggs Akra-Tory is hording in her closet. Or is it hoarding? The Simi get so confused with this messed up English language that we shouldn’t be using. Come to think of it, the Simi going to teach baby-akri Charonte cause it make sense and then we eat all them chocolate bunnies until we get tummy aches.

Bye-bye now.