In A Garden Of Evil


Original Publication Date: August 31, 2026

They say nothing’s more cutthroat than the music industry, and when Alyx and her team are called down to Nashville to save the life of a country music singer accused of murder, they quickly learn just how true that adage is.

Juanita Lawless isn’t just the hottest thing in Music City, she’s also a woman caught up in a nightmare of backbiting music execs, a husband who may or may not be framing her for murder, friends who look a lot like enemies, and a local crew of lawyers who make the Dixie Mafia appear to be law-abiding citizens.

The last hope to save Juanita’s life is the team from Mal Lex, but as they work to unravel the truth about who murdered Juanita’s assistant, their own lives come under fire, and Nashville suddenly becomes a war zone. If Alyx and Julio don’t find the culprit soon, they might not make it out of this case alive.



The hero

Seven years ago, Julio left the Army to start an organization with his old Army buddy, Alyx Woodward. Theirs is a sacred mission: to protect innocent victims who are caught up in the legal nightmares they can’t escape. Those caught up in a corrupt legal system that protects the guilty while leaving their victims in harm’s way. His goal is to help as many people regain their lives as he can.  
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The heroine

Seven years ago, Alyx left the Army after her sister was murdered to start an organization with her old Army buddy, Julio Velázquez. Theirs is a sacred mission: to protect innocent victims who are caught up in the legal nightmares they can’t escape. Those caught up in a corrupt legal system that protects the guilty while leaving their victims in harm’s way. Her goal is to help as many people regain their lives as she can.  
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