House of Fire & Magic

Myths & Outlaws

Original Publication Date: September 24, 2024

From #1 New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon comes an all new world unlike anything ever seen before…


Unicorns and Dragons never mix. For centuries, they’ve been bitter enemies and their kingdoms at war. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Tanis’s beloved older brother and heir to their throne has been slain by a human who continues to flaunt her brother’s death.

In order to restore her family’s honor, she’s willing to make a deal with a Unicorn shape shifter so that she can infiltrate the human kingdom and recapture what was so cruelly taken.

But Dash Coeur de Noir isn’t just any Unicorn, as the High King he’s the most hated and feared of his breed and he’s on his own mission when the Dragon, Tanis, crosses his path– to reclaim his sister’s horn that was brutally taken. In the wrong hands, that horn could destroy the fragile peace that has kept the Thirteen Kingdoms from destroying each other.

In a world built on magic, blood and betrayal no one can trust anyone. With a bounty on their heads and assassins and enemies out to claim them both, they must somehow learn to trust each other or watch their kingdoms burn.




The hero

High King of the Thirteen Kingdoms, Dash is the most hated unicorn ever bred. Everyone fears him and his wrath. He is a founding member of the Outlaws and has vowed to protect its members unto his dying breath.
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The heroine

The youngest daughter of King Iagan of Indara. Isolated and alone, she had no one other than her brother. Now that he's been killed, she has vowed to give her life to bring his killer to justice -- even if it means making a bargain with a dreaded unicorn.
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