

I'm that friend you have to explain to people before you introduce me, and apologize about afterward.

The youngest and most spoiled and beloved son of the Kirovarian emperor, Bastien had one goal in life: to be the screw up playboy who gave his family something interesting to talk about at cocktail parties.

It was a role he relished until the day his family was overthrown in a violent military coup. Framed for their murders, he was marked as a Ravin by The League and cast out to be hunted as a prize trophy by their assassins-in-training.

Now he wants nothing to do with anyone and if he had his way, he’d never lay eyes on another sentient creature. He trusts no one, not even himself. The only thing he lives for is a chance to extract revenge on the one person who cost him everything.   And he’s counting down those days . . .
